Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How the pro choice movement saved America, freedom, politics, and the war on sex: Entry #3

In chapter 3, Page brings up the pro-life story of parents in Texas trying to keep their kids from having sex, by telling them that condoms don't work and don't keep you safe from diseases and pregnancies. Because of this, instead of refraining from having sex, as the parents thought the kids would, they just have sex without condoms thinking that, "they didn't need them because they don't work. This is one of the ways that pro-lifers are unintentionally steering kids in the wrong way. They think that this is going to stop kids from having sex because they will think that there is no way to protect themselves from diseases, but in actuality, the kids have sex anyways and expect the worst thinking that there is no way to stop themselves from getting diseases because items such as condoms are told to them to be ineffective. This is just one the many ways that pro-life people are steering people they care about in the wrong direction with their extremist points of views. For the pro-life campaign to be more successful in showing the way the feel about abortions to teens and young people, they need to correctly educate them and tell them their point of view and then allow them to make the decision that they feel is best for them. The world is the way it is because not everyone agrees with each other. As long as the pro-life people continue to try and force their ideas upon the younger generations, their ideas and lifestyle choices and going to be hard to appreciate. I feel that there are plenty of other ways to approach trying to make your kids understand the risks of sex, and why in the case of pregnancy they should feel a certain way. Until the pro-life campaign realizes that, they are going to turn away a lot of people with the same beliefs as themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree with you more. The problem I have with the pro-life movement is they do not teach safe sex. They are normally religiously backed, and therefore they do not preach safe sex. They are instead preaching abstinence which does not occur in our society. Parents cannot just be forcing their views on their children. If the pro-life movement wants to stop unwanted pregnancy, they need to be teaching safe sex otherwise they are doing themselves a disservice.
