Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How the pro choice movement saved America, freedom, politics, and the war on sex: Entry #5

When talking of Plan B, Page goes on to say that, "The pro-life side, as everyone knows, professes no greater desire than to reduce the number of abortions. Yet when an innovation comes along with the potential to dramatically curb the number of abortions-by one third or even one half- the pro life side doesn't necessarily cheer the cause." What Page doesn't realize when making this point is that Plan B, emergency contraception, is considered as almost the same thing as getting an abortion. These two pills are taken after unprotected sex, and stops women from becoming pregnant. The use of this innovation is the use of another form of abortion. The baby is being aborted by the intake of this medicine and therefore, the baby is being aborted. Page, a pro-choice campaigner, is trying to make the pro-life campaign look bad by not fully telling the entire truth. She makes it seem as if the pro-life people are being unreasonable by not compromising to allowing Plan B, when Plan B is just another form of abortion and therefore, it is against the beliefs of the pro-life campaign. This misrepresentation of the pro-life campaign by Page is just another way to undermine the other side and help the pro-choice movement look as if they are better than the pro-life movement and that pro-choice is the best option. This bias is unneeded, and frankly is only hurting the pro-choice side, because it is able to be recognized as a bad form of education, and has no relevance to why pro-choice should be the answer. I am annoyed with Page after this mix up of words because I feel that it is the writers job to present the information and their opinion, but not change words around and make others look worse. Page has if anything hurt the pro-choice cause and given me another reason to believe that pro-life is the way to go.

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