Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How the pro choice movement saved America, freedom, politics, and the war on sex: Entry #2

Page brings up a whopping fact in the second chapter. "A sweeping poll down by ABC news revealed that the average american has sex once a week, and that's any adult married or single. If you're in a relationship then 85 percent of you have sex every week." This fact that Page brings out is almost unfathomable. It is hard to believe that it can be true, but it does explain why there are so many abortions every single year. Page goes on to say after the previous quote, "to understand the competing agendas of the pro-choice and pro-life movements; its essential to consider the central role of sex in our lives." Thinking about this, I completely agree. to be able to have any argument for or against abortions, you have to consider who big of a role sex is in our daily culture. According to the statistics, the average American adult has sex once a week. Which means that 52 times a year, the average american adult even if using protection such as a condom or birth control, has a chance of getting pregnant. Leaving about 52 chances a year of unwanted pregnancies is absurd. Either the American people need to start to realize that their actions if not taking extreme precaution could lead to a drastic change in their lives, or they need to stop having as much sex as their is going on right now, because apparently the American people cannot handle having sexual relations and being careful. "Sex to pro-lifers is considered a means to an end. This end is a baby." Page says this when arguing that people need to figure out what the sex is for. This perception by pro-life people is what should be more common, but because of the role sex plays in our society, it is hard to perceive sex in that manner. I agree with the pro-life movement here because many Americans can't handle casual sex, and protecting themselves correctly.

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