Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How the pro choice movement saved America, freedom, politics, and the war on sex: Final Entry

After reading this book, my beliefs on abortion have changed and I have come to the conclusion that I am unsure about how I feel on the matter. Page makes many good points in the book about the pro-choice movement and how important it is for abortion to be legal for women. But also, I still have that part inside of me that feels irked about the, "killing of babies" inside the womb. The conflict of the two ideas has brought me to a stand still. Without reading this book I would not have realized though that I was not sure about how I felt and probably would have still considered myself pro-life. Until the time comes where abortion affects my own life, I don't suppose I will know how I truly feel on the issue. This issue is one that is important and one I will continue to ponder for years to come.

I feel that Page spent a little too much time bashing the pro-life side, and could have used more time explaining why the pro-life was favorable in her opinion. That is the main thing I would tell her if I ever met her, and I would ask her why she thought that making the other side look worse was a better technique. Page did a wonderful job though of presenting all the facts, and though some were staggering, they were needed to be known. Page has changed my thinking on abortions, and will have made an impact on how I feel on abortions from this point forward in my life.

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