Monday, March 21, 2011

Purim in Tel Aviv Tiyul

Yesterday we went to Tel Aviv for a Purim celebration. This was very fun. The whole city was in costumes and celebrating the holiday of Purim. In Israel, Purim is not only the celebration of defeating Haman, as Mordechai and Esther prevailed in stopping Haman from murdering all of the Jewish people, but it is a celebration of how the Jewish people have overcome the threat of extinction time and time again over the years, and the celebration of the fact that Israel and the Jewish people. While in Tel Aviv, there were many interesting things to see. For one, There were people parading around the whole city in costumes for 3 days. We were only in Tel Aviv for one day, but the fact that for an entire weekend they were celebrating, shows the significance of this holiday to the Jewish people, and the fact that it has much more relevance to the Israeli people than Halloween does to the American people. This holiday was one that I had always considered to be for kids, but yesterday I realized how much more this holiday truly was, and was able to see how much each and every Israeli appreciated it. If i ever consider to move to Israel someday, I know I would go all out for Purim.

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