Friday, September 17, 2010

Speech Codes

After reading and learning about the speech codes, i would have to say that if i was a President of a University, my school would be a yellow light school. This is because i think that it is important to allow people to express their opinion even if it it vulgar because like in the case of Cohen vs. California, Paul Robert Cohen wore a jacket that said, "F*** the draft, and was tried for breach of peace. The courts ruled in Cohen's favor saying that one, "one man's vulgarity is another's lyric." This shows that people like Mr. Cohen should be allowed to wear vulgar shirts and clothing that do not intentionally disturb the peace. The reason that i chose to be a yellow light school though is because for instance someone wears a shirt that insults a certain race or has racial profiling, that is simply unacceptable because it directly disturbs the peace, and makes an uncomfortable and unsafe environment for some students in the community. Freedom of speech is very important, but there comes a point where people take too much advantage of their freedom of speech and should be prohibited from taking certain actions that are socially and should be legally unacceptable. The speech codes are a great thing because they allow people to speak their mind, but they are also a great thing because they help set standards for what is alright to be said and what is not alright to be said. This structure helps make everyone feel safer and feel comfortable in society.

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