Monday, September 20, 2010

7 Days in September

The film, 7 days in September, was very moving as it gave an in depth summary of what happened on September 11th and the days after and how it affected the people of New York. In the beginning of the film they showed the planes crash into the towers and showed the magnitude that it had on the city. I hadn't see the crashes in video until the movie, and seeing them on the movie was one of the scariest things i have ever seen. Until seeing the crashes on video, i didn't fully understand how large and how much area the crashes wiped out. As you watched the buildings fall down, your heart could only dropped and your eyes can only water. It is painful to watch something so destructive happen in our own country. After watching the buildings fall down, which from this day on is something i will never forget, they showed the aftermath of the collapsed buildings. There were clouds of dust and ash everywhere and people had to hide in buildings because they couldn't breath outside it was so bad. This made me feel even worse as i could see the damage that had been done and the aftermath was just as bad as the buildings falling. This movie, 7 days in September, was very moving and made a huge impact on me as i truly understood the devastation of September 11th.

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