Friday, December 10, 2010

Abortion: Pro-life vs. Pro-choice

After looking at both the Pro-life and Pro-choice websites, I found a lot of similarities, and a lot of differences. One similarity that stuck out to me was that each website spent a lot of time away from the issue at hand to talk down the opposing side. This seemed childish to me because when people are looking at websites to find out information on abortions, they are looking for factual information to be presented to them and to see the pro's of that choice. This bad talking of the people with opposite opinions from both sites, irritated me because it went in a different direction than the issue at hand. I think that this similarity is one that each website should try to fix, and clean up. If the website is presentable and displays the pro's and con's of their option, it would be doing the right thing and helping young women make the choice that is best for them. I also saw many differences between the two websites. The pro-choice website was much more opinionated in my choice, and played off the emotions of a women and her possible situation. They tried to make the women realize the "burden" of a child if you're not ready to support and care for one. The pro-life campaign went more in depth on the factual evidence that they had, though not all of it was relevant. Each of these websites presented good information and made a impact on the way I feel about abortion today. After reading the two articles, I feel I would still have to characterize myself as pro-life. Though I would say I'm pro-life, I would allow for abortion in cases of incest and rape. This may seem wishy washy as to what side I am on becuase I am allowing some pro-choice beliefs, but this is only becuase I can't find any reason in my heart that would make a person who was forced to conception, have to have that baby. My core beliefs are still that all people are created equally and that we need to protect all people the same way, even those that are most vunerable and in the womb.

As a 17 year old, I think that the parents of a child that is under 18 years old should have to sign off that they approve of the abortion. For our entire life, our parents have been responsible for us, and have made hard decisions for us becuase they know that they are the right one. I dont feel that this decision should be any different. Many teenagers don't know what is best for them and what choices they should be making and for that reason, our parents are in charge of us. This decision is probably if not the most, one of the most important choices somebody would have to make, and because of that, our parents should be included in the decision making process.

As a male, I think that the to-be father should be notified as soon as the realization of a baby is made. The baby is as much the father's as the mother's and for the mother to make any decisions without the father's conscent or understanding is not fair. For father's to-be it is hard to be involved in the decision making because they are not the one's carrying around a baby for 9 months, but you have to remember that without the male, there would be no baby. It takes two people to concieve a baby, and for that reason the father needs to be involved from the minute a baby is known of. The right to conscent should be necessary for an abortion for a father and should be made to be had before an abortion.

The state of Illinois has an abortion ban after 12 weeks of conception. This seems fair to me. Three months is a long enough time to make the decision to have a baby or not. I agree with this law and would not like to have it changed. My opinions on abortion are that I'm pro-life. That doesn't mean that I think that other people shouldn't have their own opinions too and feel differently. In life there is a marketplace of ideas, and everyone has their own. For someone to reject and idea is to be stubborn and will not help find the best possible answer. I feel that the laws set in place are perfectly fine.

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