Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug testing in school

“The Marion county public schools district compiled statistics on its random testing program demonstrating that drug-use among students has dropped by one-third since the program’s inception in 2004.” Since the first day I walked into Deerfield High School, teachers, parents, and even an unexpected tragedy that had an effect on so many of the student’s, has not been able to keep kids from making the wrong decisions, and using drugs. Being a senior at Deerfield, I can tell you that out of the twenty five to thirty kids in each class, I can name about twenty that have tried or currently use drugs. This sad realization has made it clear to me that drug testing is necessary in our school for kids who want to participate in extracurricular activities.
Participating in extracurricular activities is a privilege that we students have. In these extracurricular activities we are representing Deerfield High School. Because of this, I think that to be able to have these privileges, we as students should have to meet certain requirements so that we can represent our school to the best of our abilities. In my opinion, it is understandable to think that while students are under the influence they will not be representing the school to the best of their ability and actually creating a liability for the school. While at our respective sports, the school is liable for all the activities that we participate in. It is very unsafe to be participating in rigorous activities while under the influence and for this reason, the school has the right to make sure that the students are being smart and keeping themselves from dangerous situations.

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